Download Manager
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WideStream is a download manager and FTP manager which main targets are speed, ease of use and rich functionality. WideStream supports multi-threaded downloads, download by ranges (can interrupt and continue downloads at any moment), direct and indirect HTTP downloads, HTTP redirects, FTP downloads, network traffic management, download priorities, host manager and offers rich configurability and easy to use and user friendly UI.

WideStream was created using .NET Framework 3.5 and runs on any version of Microsoft Windows (both 32 bit and 64 bit) starting from Windows 2000.

WideStream is an open source software released under Artistic License 2.0 - it means that its source code is available to public and you can always download a latest version of project code from WideStream SVN repository hosted by SourceForge.net. Also WideStream is totally freeware. However if you want to help project you can always make a donation to project team.