WideStream is a freeware open source FTP manager and download manager implemented using .NET Framework 3.5
for Microsoft Windows (supported versions are Windows 2000 all editions, Windows XP all editions, Windows 2003 Server,
Windows Vista all editions) and can run on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. WideStream offers you a variety of features:
WideStream is not a black box software which source code is hidden from public so you never know how this program
is implemented and what it exactly does. WideStream is an open source software and you can always download its source
code, analyze it and even help to improve it.
WideStream is provided to you free of charge. Without any limitations in functionality, annoying ads and reminders
to register. You can use it in any way you like - the program itself and its source code (according to the open source
Artistic License) - and even get a free technical support if you have any questions. If you want to help a project to be running you can make a donation
which is absolutely not mandatory.
WideStream has fast and responsive user interface implemented according to the Microsoft Windows standards - no tons of graphics with
chemical colors and weird looking interfaces - only clear and intuitive UI that can be controlled either by mouse or from
keyboard according to your tastes.
WideStream has an extensive HTTP protocol support, including: HTTP authorization, HTTP direct and indirect links, HTTP
redirection, download by ranges (which means that you can pause any download or resume failed downloads) and more.
WideStream supports multiple downloads at a time and offers decent features to control your traffic - such as traffic bandwidth
limitation (you can limit all downloads to 56 Kb per second or let them use your channel with no limitations) and downloads
priorities (a download with a higher priority uses more bandwidth then a download with a low priority). All these settings
can be adjusted on a fly when a download has already started.
WideStream supports smart download acceleration that can increase the speed of your downloads up to 6 times. WideStream allows
to open up to 20 connections per downloads and allows to changes number of active connections at any moment for each download
without the need to suspend it.
WideStream uses an effective download queue management algorithm that is specifically optimized for multiple simultaneous
downloads. You can also configure the download queue settings on a fly and even freeze a queue (let the active downloads
finish and do not start new downloads).
WideStream offers easy to use and rich configuration when adding downloads. You can effectively manage download settings
such as error handling, timeout settings, retry time and download priority - or simply use default settings which are
optimized for a common case. WideStream has a clipboard support and can automatically capture links from your clipboard when
you click Add Downloads button. Also when adding a lot of downloads at a time it is possible to configure them all at once by
applying settings for one download to all of them.
WideStream has an extensive FTP support - you can download files from FTP servers and use fully functional built-in FTP
explorer which can help you to simplify the download process - you can navigate to the required FTP folder, highlight
files, click Add Downloads button and they will be added to the download queue.
WideStream has a detailed and configurable HTTP and FTP log that contains full information about download process with
detailed error descriptions. You can always copy this information to your clipboard.
WideStream is a highly configurable program - you can adjust almost everything and more settings are about to be added. At
the same time all configuration dialogs are not cryptic and you can always ignore or leave "to be default" the settings
that you don't actually need.
WideStream offers a fully functional Host Manager that can be used to store passwords for different sites. These passwords
are automatically populated in the Add Downloads dialog. All private information such as credentials to different hosts is
stored by WideStream in an ecrypted form. Also WideStream has a built-in support for rapidshare that simplifies usage of this
file server.
WideStream is an application of new generation build on a .NET platform. .NET makes applications more safe and secure.
It is even automatically optimized on a fly to your computer hardware. WideStream doesn't require installation. Are you
using download manager on several computers? That's easy! Just copy WideStream to the USB Flash and it will be running
WideStream is a live project. You can keep an eye on its development, share with us your opinion about program, read
project blog which is maintained by developers and even participate in this project. See Contacts
page for more details.
Questions? Comments? Have something to add? Feel free to contact us via email.